User Activity

I am looking at strategies for updating flash over CAN for the F446 (STM32F446RET6). A small loader program resides in addresses 0-0x8000, and loads the addresses above 0x8000 while there is other CAN traffic running. (This has been done and works wi...
I find that flashing a program using openocd, STLink (using a Nucleo F446, or L474), to our custom board frequently fails when there is CAN bus activity. What is causing this?Our board has BOOT0 tied to ground. The SWD is gnd, data, clock, and connec...
I've been trying to get TIM2 PWM (or even OC) to produce an output. When looking at the registers, using openocd w telnet, I find that setting 0x40000000 (the CR1 register) with 0x81 also sets the 0x4000004C (the DMAR) register. The reverse is the sa...
I'm having trouble getting TIM2 PWM to work so I've been studying the RM closely. The following conflict came to light.The RM shows TIMx_ARR and TIMx_CNT as 16b, but TIMx_CCR1,2,3,4 as 32b. The text (section 17.2) says TIM2 & TIM5 are 32b. Some debug...
It is possible for a CR2032 coin-cell to be inserted backwards in the holder. Therefore the VBAT (on a STM32F446) input needs some protection for reversed polarity. What is the usual method of protection?The datasheet shows a -5 ma as the current lim...