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Forum Posts

Resolved! Why is ADC + DMA not triggered?

Hi! I'm using STM32 F301C8T for my LLC converter project. I have two MOSFETs switching at variable frequencies ranging from 80kHz to 400 kHz. Due to significant noise caused by switching, I need to time the output voltage measurement between the swit...

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PJano.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! switch from stm32f407 to H753 PWM period halved

Hi,i had a programm running on the stm32f407 and PWM output via Tim2 The timer is configured with clock 84MHz and PWM Counter Period 5040 which gives me a period time of 60us. The timer is clocked via APB1. this works finenow i use an h753 with the ...

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Jnevi.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Input capture interrupts not fired on STM32F401

Hello,I have configured a CUBE IDE project to match a Nucleo-F401RE board to measure the system clock pulses (at 84MHz) between to consecutive rising edges of an external signal applied to pin PA3 (which is Timer2 Channel4 input).The Input Capture in...

How VDDA, VDD, Vref+ effects ADC value?

Hi guys.I am using STM32F401VEH6 to read the peak value of a waveform like sinewave.but the value drifts about 40LSB time to time.I connected VDDA to Vref+ and seperated from VDD.(based on Application Note recomandation)But when I checked the datashe...

XZhen.2 by Associate II
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