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Hi,I am working on STM32G474CET mcu. I am trying to use VREFBUFF voltage for ADC channel referance voltage. My configuration looks like the following. When i run the code, it stuck in the HAL_SYSCFG_EnableVREFBUF function. Whenever i check the 'ticks...
Hi,I am working on STM32G474RET6 MCU in i2c slave mode. I want to make a polling mode with DMA but the problem is i don't know the receiving data's length. Every time it can be different. But 'HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_DMA(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint8_...
Hi, I am trying to communicate with i2c DMA without interrupt. My MCU is STM32G474RET6.I've read that it is possible but can't find how to do it. How can i communicate in slave mode with i2c dma? Since my interrupts disabled, can't use the callback f...
Hi,I want to use STM32G474's HRTIM for my project.There is one input(A) and 2 output(B,C) signals.I need to check the input signals controls and then I want to transmit the 'A' signal as the output as the 'B' signal. It should be same as the A signal...
Hi i have a STM32G474. I want to build a pmbus on that.  The stm has a default CRC32 module.In pmbus for the pec calculation crc8 is using. Can i change my default crc32 module to crc8 for the usage on pmbus?
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