User Activity

I have initialized the kernel first, and called HAL_Init() and SystemClock_Config() within the OS task - StartDefaultTask, the osDelay is not blocking the StartDefaultTask until the specified number of ticks.configTICK_RATE_HZ is set to 1000 Hz (1 ms...
IDE: KeilToolchain: MDK ARM compiler version 5MCU: STM32F411REWhen GNU Extensions are enabled in the Compiler options/ --gnu compiler control string is enabled in C/C++ options for Target, the printf does not get executed. The GNU extensions are requ...
Zoomed-in view of MISO:Expected output: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x58We see the 0x58 being received on MOSI, but still not aligned with the clock. Probably, it is not being sampled correctly by STM32.And importantly, the CS is not triggered before generating cloc...
I am trying to get LM35 temperature sensor value using STM32F411RE. When supply voltage fed to LM35 is 3.3 V, the correct digital data is produced. But when 5V is fed as supply to LM35, the digital values produced are the same as those when 3.3V is s...