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if i normolly send is "cake 50 %" to arduino receive "cake 50 %" after 10 times arduino receive "cake 50 BBBB" then all receive all "BBBC" but the usart1 vcp is sending normally this is a way to solve it?
Stm32cubeide have some tool window view to watch energy consumption for one project?
If i configure D1 pj8 as tx for uart8,D0 pj9 as rx for uart8.When i conect to led directly D0(rx) could let led on but D1(txno in this case should be right ?Both pin with GPIO_MODE_AF_PP//PULLUPstatic void MX_GPIO_Init(void) {  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_...
If i configure D1 pj8 as tx for uart8,D0 pj9 as rx for uart8.When conect to led direct D0 could let led on but D1 no this case should be right ?static void MX_GPIO_Init(void) {  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;  /* GPIO Ports Clock Enable */  __HAL_...
There are no diference for conect to gnd in the left side o right side?