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Resolved! I am not able to copy a uint8_t to uint8_t*

Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question and it may seem stupid but I am a beginner and have been trying to resolve this for one day.I am receiving one byte of data through UART to Rxdata, I want to copy this one byte to a 10 ...

LimoGr by Associate II
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Resolved! DAC outputs are weird ...

Hi, I am trying to get DAC work on Nucleo-L432KC board, DAC 1 is activated, output on Pin PA4, normal mode, output buffer enabled, software trigger, no wave generation, and LL driver. I use LL_DAC_ConvertData12RightAligned or WRITE_REG(DACx->DHR12R1...

WQ by Associate III
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Resolved! RTC is getting set off by 1hour in STM32U5. I am using Nucleo board and I am checking the RTC behavior in STOP3 mode of stm32u5.

#include "main.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> RTC_HandleTypeDef hrtc;   UART_HandleTypeDef huart1;   /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ #define UartHandle &huart1 #define RtcHandle &hrtc static uint16_t YearStart = 2000;   char message[50]; uint8_t ...

STee.3 by Associate II
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STM32F103C8 PWM with DMA

Hello,I'm using Timer_2 channel_1 PWM with DMA to generate the low polarity Pulse.I set the value of PSC = 72, ARR = 2000 and Fosc = 72 MHz.uint16_t TIM2_CCR1_Value[25] = {2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1200, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, ...


SPI to read ADS7953 with STM32F072 not working.

HelloI am developing a board to measure many voltages for a student project. On that board are a ADS7953, a ISO7741 and a STM32F072. Now I am at the end of my resources. I can't read anything useful from the ads. Btw I am using an ADS7953 EVAL Board,...

LSant.6 by Associate II
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STM32H7 HAL Read GPIOC13 with DMA into SRAM

Hello there, I am trying to read GPIO pins (on row C) with DMA into SRAM, using TIM1 as clockI am using STM32H750B-DKEssentialy, when TIM1 goes high DMA should read from GPIO to SRAM continuously (until its stopped by a user :))Here is what I tried s...

MKocj.1 by Associate II
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ADC is weird too...

It is a quick learning project of LL driver programming on NUCLEO-L432KC. First I got a bug in MX configuration. It was fixed by ST: then wen...

0693W00000aJRpFQAW.jpg 0693W00000aJS9cQAG.jpg
WQ by Associate III
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STM32G431 Keil 5.36 Erase sectors fail

HiI use STM32G431R6T6 (32k Flash) with build in Bootloader.Boootloader use address 0x0800'0000 - 0x0800'1FFFApplication us address: 0x0800'2000 - 0x0800'7FFFIn the bootloader I can select Erase sectors (System delete only sectors which are used) So t...

franz2 by Associate III
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