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Forum Posts

getting same unique ID for different controllers

Hi everyone, can anyone pls help me with the problem, i'm trying to read the unique ID of the stm32U585 controller, i'm able to read the ID with HAL functions, but im getting the same output for all the three different controller with different syste...

meghasb by Senior
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H745 Timer DMA Output Capture Artifact

I have a project where I need to output a precise waveform to drive some external FETs and thought this would be a good opportunity to fill a DMA buffer with CCR values and tie this to TIM2 that is configured with output capture on channel 1. Just fo...

SPetr.6 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F401 SDIO FATFS always returnig FR_DISK_ERR

Hi all,I am trying to do a simple code for writing and reading files in a SDHC Card, i am trying to start with this example code:, when the code reac...

manuislet by Associate II
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