Please inquire about the meaning of device marking.
When it is 93, it works normally, but when it is VC, it does not enter uart boot mode.What's the difference?
When it is 93, it works normally, but when it is VC, it does not enter uart boot mode.What's the difference?
I'm working on H745 dualcore MCU and I'm trying to get STM32 UID from M4 core accessing to addres 0x1FF1E800UL. Reading datasheet I can't find explanation why that address range is not accessible.
I created many projects using CubeIDE1.9. I now installed CubeIDE1.12 and need to open my projects in the new version. I copied my old projects to a new workspace I created and then tried to import/open projects using CubeIDE1.12 but got a generic...
I am new to STM32 and I am trying to figure out how to implement my PSM control. I need 8 pulses which are in complementary pairs. I need to use TIM1 for the 2 pairs and TIM8 for the other 2 which are advanced timers. I want phase shift between the f...
I have custom board with 4 chips, communicating over I2C. The problem is that I cannot have 4 chips talking to each other.I can only communicate between 2 chips. As soon as I enable I2C on third chips the communication stops. One is setup as master t...
Hi,i am using 2 units of STM32h743II MCU and I am trying to transfer I2C transactions from master to slave based on I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling is received correctly each time but about my i2c slave unit perform Long clock stretching 1 out...
I read the example code of ll adc single conversion in stm32cube g0 package, and I have a doubt in a particular section of code: /* Run ADC self calibration */ LL_ADC_StartCalibration(ADC1); /* Poll for ADC effectively calibrated */ ...
Which nucleo board should I use for 26 ADC inputs?Or should I use a multiplexer? Can I get fast signal processing with a multiplexer?Thanks
I'm monitoring power using an X-NEUCLEO LPM01A and an STM32F767Zi target board. When I use them in standalone mode and connect to a desktop computer, the X-NEUCLEO LPM01A stops working. Can someone tell me how I can repair this?
I bought the STEVAL-ETH001V1 and it is without the firmware loaded.I was previously working with the P-NUCLEO-IHM03 and the B-G431G-ESC1 so I don't have any programmer for the MCU.I think I have to buy the ST-LINK/V2-ISOL but I'm not sureBest regard