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It's a niche application. STM32H5 QFNI need SPI2_MOSI to make a specifically shaped wave. SPI is works well for this. I do not need the SPI_CLK pin/function. I set Cube MX to SPI2 Transmit Only Master, and of course it applies the CLK pin because alm...
Here is my attempt at background as I understand it... iROT is a ROM program in the STM32H563. It contains a P256 EC algorithm, and checks some section of FLASH that you define as a program for a signature, then jumps to it. The definition of the pro...
I'm migrating from an F4. So this is all new to me. Need help getting started. I currently have: A primary bootloader. It checks the application flash for a stored signature every bootAn application flash. It's up to 896KB.2MB Flash, two banks for fl...
I saw that at least some H7 parts do. The H5 core is newer.However, I could find nothing in the reference manual or datasheets. 
I had a passing thought. I have two pins that I can connect to a PC in my enclosure. I'd like to use USB OR USART. I'd like the PC to select.My idea was to tie the pins together and let the bootloader's selection process pick the correct one on the c...
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