User Activity

Is it possible to change the FLASH write protection at run time without reprogramming the option bytes?The write protection registers are writeable after unlocking, but it appears as if changing the value has no effect on the actual write protection;...
I'm working on a project that's using an STM32G484CEUX. The WRP2A and WRP2B registers are not showing under the FLASH peripheral of the SFRs tab:The device is running is dual bank mode.I have added them to the .svd file, but I think they should alrea...
I've got the following interrupt configured for TIM4:void TIM4_IRQHandler(void) { if ( LL_TIM_IsActiveFlag_UPDATE( TIM4 ) ) { LL_TIM_GetDirection( TIM4 ) == 0 ? ++x : --x; LL_TIM_ClearFlag_UPDATE( TIM4 ); } }I know this interrupt is bei...
I have a Touch-GFX project that I can program into an STM32H7B3I-DK from within the STM32CubeIDE.However, trying to program the same board with the project's .elf file from STM32CubeProgrammer fails with:16:20:21 : Memory Programming ... 16:20:21 :...
When I try to "Program and Run Target" I get the following in the log window: Compile make -f ../gcc/Makefile -j8 Reading TouchGFX/application.config Reading TouchGFX/target.config Compiling Core/Src/main.c Com...