User Activity

Hello,is it possible to create a container including other containers during runtime? Backgrouns is that I would like to display up to 20 sensor readings on the display. The inner container includes a background, title, measurement value, status... T...
Hi,I'm using AzureRTOS on a STM32H743ZI. I have a low priority task that is sending data via UART every 100ms (115200 baud). I would like to send this data with HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA, but after calling this function, the program stucks in the functio...
Hi,I'm new with TouchGFX and working on my first project. My current problem is that I wnat to update display values from my software. I looked into several tutorials and found that when implementing the function virtual void handleTickEvent();in the...
Hello, I have tried this (How to create a Thread using AzureRTOS and STM32CubeIDE?) example with a Nucleo-F446RE board. Of course I have chosen the AZRTOS-F4 instead of the AZRTOS-H7 in the example. So line HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin);...
Hello, for static code analysis I need the output from the clean/build process. So I searched how to build my project via command line and found the headless-build.bat (I use windows 10). After some problems with the syntax I finally got it running. ...
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