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Forum Posts

STM32 as I2C slave: Data recieved LED not working

I'm trying to setup an STM32F401RBT as an I2C slave with an Arduino Uno as the master. The Arduino code looks as follows: I'm simply trying to transmit "3". The STM32 side looks like this: I use these three callback functions to manage the data. I am...

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Resolved! DMA to read multiple ADC Channels

I am trying to read multiple ADCs using DMA on a Nucleo H743ZI2. I currently have code that works, but it only works when my data buffer has a size of 32. This is fine when I was using two channels, but any more than that, it offsets the data, and I ...

APBashara by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F103C8T6 SPI not working on custom board

Hi I am running WS2812 addressable LED on stm32 bluepill without any problem.I have used SPI to generate data for WS2812 led strip data pin is connected to PA7 (MOSI) pin on bluepill. till now everything is working perfectly fine. So I design a custo...

sandeep3 by Associate II
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stm32co debugger/programmer

Hi,I am using a prototype with stm32c011f6p6 MCU to program that Can i use STM32F40 discovery kit.I used but I couldn't able debug.I need to is it possible or I need to buy a separate programmer.any issues with hardware i couldn't able to find

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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RTC Clock on GPIO_Input PC13

I'm currantly working on STM32G4 series and I had a problem. I initiate PC13 pin as GPIO_INPUT to read state from button. But It is possible to config this pin(PC13) such as RTC_OUT1. I config my RTC clock on Activate Clock Source to write and read a...

Mongolov by Associate II
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PWM generation for RGB LED Strip using WS2812 protocol

So i am using STM32F401RE board where i have written the code to for a strip of RGB led working on the WS2812 protocol which is nothing but using 24 bit PWM waveform for 1 led in GRB format. Every time i enable the PWM channel using CCR1 register for...

DJ1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Upgrade ST-Link on Nucleo-H563ZI not possible

Hello,I want to do some programming on the Nucleo-H563ZI development board and the CebeIDE tells me that I need to upgrade the firmware on the ST-LinkV3. When I try to upgrade it, I get an error message:Since then I'm not able to do anything. The boa...

BViet.1 by Associate III
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