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I have a STM32U595 with a 32.768kHz LSE oscillator.I wish to generate a 1ms/1kHz timebase with the accuracy/drift characteristics of the LSE, so naturally I went to make use of the "Hardware auto calibration with LSE (PLL-mode)" feature.Firstly, can ...
When debugging the operation of the MPU on the STM32U575 I'm confused by the apparent behaviour of the RBAR_Ax registers in the SFR window of STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1From the ARM docs I think (but I'm not 100%) that the RBAR_A1, RBAR_A2 & RBAR_A3 register...
I've burned a significant amount of time tracking down an issue, so I thought I would share in the hope of helping others and maybe improving ST's provided newlib locks.(This is probably in the wrong place, please move it as required.)I'm using the T...
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