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Forum Posts

Resolved! MemoryMapped for w25q256 Octo SPI for Touchgfx

Hi, I used to work with a stm32h743 that had a QSPI, but now I work with a stm32h723zgt6 that has a OSPI. I don't know if I should continue with the MX_OCTOSPI1_Init function to use it for Memory Mapped for w25q256 program I wrote for Touch GFX.To us...

mbagh.1 by Senior
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Resolved! ADC values fluctuating

The project I am working on presently need to capture dc voltage with precision of 1mv. I am using STM32f446RE development board. As mentioned in the datasheet STM32F446RE have inbuilt ADC of 12-bit resolution and reference voltage is 3.3v. Thus theo...

PAcha.1 by Associate
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Resolved! The sequence from the ADC_SQR3 register does not work.

My goal now is to understand how ADC works.I know that with the HAL_ADC_Start_DMA function, I can easily read data from multiple pins.Now I want to set up data transfer from pins in semi-automatic mode, without the HAL_ADC_Start_DMA function.I know h...

MMust.5 by Senior II
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STM32G474 WKUP Pin needs to be pulled down?

Hello,I’m using an STM32G474 in standby mode and have found some weird behavior. I know the MCU is entering standby mode as the flag is set upon wake up, however the MCU is still drawing ~120μA in standby. The WKUP pin is floating when not pulled up....

Resolved! GPIO set certain bits without affecting others

BTW, what is the forum to ask general programming questions on STM32 architecture?STM32F103C8TxI have two timer interrupt routines, sharing thevoid HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim)call. Depending on which handle is passed, I pro...

Resolved! Porting STM32H7 Composite-Audio-HID to STM32G4

I am trying to develop a HID and UAC Composite Device with STM32G491.I was proceeding with the implementation with reference to I-CUBE-USBD-Composite, but although it is recognized as a Composite Device from Windows 11, a problem like this occurs and...