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Hi,We were using CubeProgrammer on Windows to program our MCU in DFU mode and everything was moving well until we noticed MAC does not detect USB in DFU mode.So, I am wondering if there is something we are missing to do which the MAC operating system...
Hi,I have two STM32L0 (slave) and STM32U585 (master) MCUs. I have no issue when Slave transmits data to Master. But, if Master transmits signal to Slave, it sends all the 9 clock pulses with address bits, but then the SCL remains low while SDA return...
Hi,I have a NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q board and I am practicing/learning the USB-C protocol. All I need is to set the voltage of USB-C to a higher voltage that the charger is capable of. The default is set to 5v.In my situation, the adapter can supply up to 12...
Hi,I have an STM32L552 MCU (the 1st) that has only two interfaces to the user, one through the USB-C and the other through Bluetooth. I have another STM32L031 MCU (the 2nd) inside the design that communicates with this L552 MCU through UART/I2C. Here...
Hi,I am using VL6180X sensor in project to detect hands or other objects, without using API. I am setting registers myself. One thing that is really disappointed me regardless of other amazing features, is the interrupt and flags. Whenever the interr...