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Hello,I am programming an STM32WB55CGU6 on custom PCB. I'm using the LPUART1 peripheral according to the datasheet and reference manual, but at the transmitter pin (PA2) I'm not seeing any traffic. It's just stable at about 3.3V. There is a led at PC...
I want to make it so the DMA continuously writes the value of an ADC channel into a large buffer in a way that it doesn't write over the previous value in the buffer, but it increments the address so it fills the buffer with values from that singular...
I'm trying to send ADC results over to a receiver via UART, but somewhy the program freezes on sprintf() IF I have called HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() before. If I call sprintf() before HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() it works fine. However, I need to call it after start...
I tried to set up a UART connection from my custom board to my PC but encountered some problems and after a bit of probing, it seems that UART TX and UART RX are connected to GND. Do I need to enable UART somewhere for the ST-LINK ? Also why do some ...
I have an STM32WB55CGU6 on a custom board with a 32MHz HSE. I'm using low power uart1 with PA2 & PA3 pins. My settings for it are: - baud rate 9600- word length 8 bits- 1  stop bit- parity noneIt won't transmit. Cube doesn't receive it, any terminal ...