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Forum Posts

Resolved! H743zit6, Abnormal data reception using SPIDMA mode?

All data received in normal mode is 0, but some correct data can be received in debug mode? cubemx configurations are as follows:Part of the code is as follows:uint8_t pData[128] = {0x00}; HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA(&hspi1,pData,128); while(HAL_SPI_GetStat...

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AASD.1 by Associate III
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How to enable peripherals in LRWAN module on stm32l072

Hi all,I have recently started working on stm32l072 LRWAN module of stm. I was able to build and run the code as it and was also able to send data to the gateway. My next task is to interface some sensor the the controller and send the sensor data to...

BChav.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! UART_DMA CODE Generates for STM32 CubeMx

Hi @RomainR.​ sir,As i already posted a query regarding UART DMA using STM32G030K6T6 controller, you have corrected my code it worked well. when i generated a new project and i followed the step to have provided me but it doesn't work it get stuck in...

mrsmile by Associate III
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Resolved! How to transmit five byte data transmit in UART_DMA?

I already try for send five byte data in UART DMA. I am using the controller in STM32G030K6T6. Data transmition is working properly but output is did not taken properly. The problem was am transmit data five bytes for UART_DMA but DMA transmit only t...

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mrsmile by Associate III
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Firmware does not work if not debugging

Hello, i would like to post a problem that i have: i have a custom STM32H755BI (dual core) board that i usually flash with CubeIDE and i debug. Unortunatelly i noticed that the board works fine, but if i reboot the board and i connect with a j-link s...

halbeeee by Associate II
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