2024-01-19 2:37 AM
I am trying to implement IAP through UART on stm32f779I Evaluation kit, I am using stm cude IDE 1.9.0 and F7v1.17.0 software package.
I have downloaded IAP_Main project using st_link. By using tampered button entered into the downlaod mode and using teraterm tried to load the binary file of IAP_SingleBinary_Template example code from the examples through YModem protocol. My IAP is working fine but when it comes to downloading the binary file teraterm is showing only 2 packets is loaded and the file transfer window is getting disappear.
Can anyone please help me to find out the issue.
Thanks & Regards,
k. Aravind
2024-01-19 4:39 AM
Not sure of the robustness of the Y-MODEM implementation. You're probably going to need to do some bus analysis on the serial port traffic, and/or add some SWV based telemetry to the STM32 side code so you can understand specifically what's happening.
Familiarity with the protocol would help. Perhaps try other implementations, or your own.