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Hi, I use an STM32WB with the BLE stack. In my code, I need to write data to the flash memory (writing new firmware to a prepared memory area). Unfortunately, when I attempt to write to the flash, an error occurs. Is there anything special that I nee...
Hello,I am working on a project using the STM32WB55 and its BLE stack. I am trying to implement a custom service with more than three characteristics. However, when I add a fourth characteristic, the function aci_gatt_add_char returns the error code ...
Hello,I am using an STM32WB with a custom bootloader, which is currently simple and only knows how to jump to a specific address to start the application. I upload firmware using debuggers (STLink V3 and JLink). When I upload the bootloader and the a...
Hi,I have an STM32WB and I'm working with an example. I'm trying to understand how to add data to the advertisement data, including the name:I thought that all advertisement data is set here,   ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, Min_Inter, ...
Hi,I want to use the RTC timer on the STM32WB to run FreeRTOS in both normal and STOP modes (For HAL time base I use Systick). When the MCU has no work, it goes into STOP mode. If the MCU needs to wake up for timing, like from a FreeRTOS timer, I set...
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