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Resolved! STM32F407 Bootloader Go Command

Hello, I tried to use the go Command at the beginning of flash (0x08000000), the bootloader sent me back an ACK. But i've got 2 problems. First, if i don't change back my boot pins, i will be in System Memory Mode, why ? Am I reading boot pins at the...

Cyril C by Associate II
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DAC output result input to ADC

I'm new at STM32 MCU.Is it possible that on STM32MP157D-DK1?I first set a value to DAC and then use its output as input to ADC then finally get a digital output which must same as the value i set to DAC. (Without DMA)If I can do that , how can I do t...

32F417: HAL_RCCEx_PeriphCLKConfig() questions

Hello All,The above function is used to config various clocks. For the RTC it contains this    /* Enable Power Clock*/ __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); /* Enable write access to Backup domain */ PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_DBP; // Wait for above to stabi...

PHolt.1 by Senior III
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USB renumeration in NUCLEO-F446RE

I am designing a board using STM32F446RE (with embedded ST link) with NUCLEO-F446RE as a reference. While going through the NUCLEO-F446RE schematic, I am not clear regarding the USB renumeration process and hardware connection. Could you please expla...

Ellu1213 by Associate
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