STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


How to clear all pending interrupts?

I want to clear all pending interrupts in my bootloader before jumping to the user application, otherwise an interrupt will remain pending and therefore other interrupts wouldn't be triggered in the user application.After reading the Cortex-M datashe...

IJoe.1 by Associate II
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systick is not working after jump.

below are the codes(0x0801E000U) which is used for jump:#define PROJ1_FLASHADDR 0x08000000U#define PROJ2_FLASHADDR 0x0801E000U __disable_irq(); /* Get the main application start address */ uint32_t jump_address = *(__IO uint32_t *)(PROJ1_FLASHADDR + ...

Hard Fault issue in 2 particular MCU

We are using STM32G0B1CBT MCU in our product. We assembled 10 pieces and out of 10, 2 devices are randomly going in hard fault sometime instantly after reset and sometime even after 1 hour. What would be the cause? What measures should be taken to re...

HAL_UART_RECEIVE_IT not working all the time in HAL

Hi,I'm using the UART functionality in NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q board. I want to transmit with UART polling and receive with interrupt. Every time I am able to transmit the characters on to the putty but sometimes receive interrupt is not working. I'm using H...

Mr. AK by Associate III
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