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Hello experts,I am trying to do basic write and read of internal flash. For that I have taken fixed pattern of data to write.I am using the driver functions to do this job but when I observe the data in the memory browser the same pattern which iam t...
Hi,I am trying to implement IAP through UART on stm32f779I Evaluation kit,  I am using stm cude IDE 1.9.0 and F7v1.17.0 software package.I have downloaded IAP_Main project using st_link. By using tampered button entered into the downlaod mode and usi...
Hello experts,I am using stm32f779I - EVAL evaluation kit, am trying to implement LWIP IAP on this board for that I have used example code from the repository C:\Users\Aravind\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.17.0\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Appl...