2023-11-18 12:00 AM - edited 2023-11-18 12:40 AM
Hello community ,
I have programmed stm32g030k06t6 MCU has SPI Slave . When trying to communicate with master for 10 times , 6 times checksum is getting failed and 4 times it is getting passed .
Master is sending 9 bytes of data i.e 0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5,0x6,0xc9,0x00,0x3 . when checksum is getting failed it is getting saved in buffer in following order 0x3,0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5,0x6,0xc9,0x00. one byte is getting shifted in rx_buffer when storing
Inorder to analyse the problem , i am copying rx_buffer to tx_buffer in order to analyse better where snaps are attached below .
kindly suggest
/*! \brief Handles an NSS interrupt to prepare and terminate SPI transfers.
* \param void
* \return void
void mb_spi_slave_interrupt_nss(void)
/* EXTI0 line interrupt detected */
if (__HAL_GPIO_EXTI_GET_IT((uint32_t)MB_SPI_NSS_PIN) != (uint32_t)0)
//HAL constants
mb_spi_handle.pTxBuffPtr = (uint8_t *)&tx_buffer[0] ;
mb_spi_handle.TxXferCount = (uint16_t)9;
mb_spi_handle.pRxBuffPtr = (uint8_t *)&rx_buffer[0] ;
mb_spi_handle.RxXferSize = (uint16_t)9;
mb_spi_handle.RxXferCount = 0;
/* Ignore the interrupt if SPI communication is disabled.
* SPI interrupts remain deactivated */
if (STATE_DISABLED != slave_state)
// Pin is low that means active to indicate master has started the transfer
if (!(MB_SPI_NSS_PORT->IDR & (uint32_t)MB_SPI_NSS_PIN))
/* Enable TXE, RXNE and ERR interrupt */
/* Enable SPI peripheral */
/* Send the first character to the data register */
/* Pin is high (inactive) to indicate master has terminated the transfer */
if ((MB_SPI_NSS_PORT->IDR & (uint32_t)MB_SPI_NSS_PIN))
// Disable the Slave Now
// slave_state = STATE_DISABLED;
/* Disable SPI peripheral */
/* Disable TXE, RXNE and ERR interrupt */
// Verify the message checksum.
if (hctrl_verify_msg_checksum((uint8_t *)hctrl_input_msg,7) == true)
tx_buffer[0] = 0x4a;
tx_buffer[0] = 0x09
/*! /brief Interrupt Handler to transmit packets
void tx_isr(void)
/* Transmit data in 8 Bit mode */
if ((uint16_t)0 < mb_spi_handle.TxXferCount)
// Monitor SPI fifo transmission level continously and send the data out
while(!(mb_spi_handle.Instance->SR & SPI_FLAG_FTLVL) && mb_spi_handle.TxXferCount > 0)
*((__IO uint8_t *)&mb_spi_handle.Instance->DR) = (*mb_spi_handle.pTxBuffPtr);
__HAL_SPI_DISABLE_IT(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_IT_TXE);
/*! /brief Interrupt Handler to receive packets
void rx_isr(void)
/* Receive data in 8 Bit mode */
if (mb_spi_handle.RxXferCount < mb_spi_handle.RxXferSize)
// Monitor SPI fifo reception level continously until we gets data
while(mb_spi_handle.Instance->SR & SPI_FLAG_FRLVL)
if (mb_spi_handle.RxXferCount > mb_spi_handle.RxXferSize)
*(mb_spi_handle.pRxBuffPtr++) = *((__IO uint8_t *) &mb_spi_handle.Instance->DR); mb_spi_handle.RxXferCount++;
void mb_spi_slave_interrupt_spi(void)
FlagStatus tmp1;
FlagStatus tmp2;
FlagStatus tmp3;
tmp1 = __HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_RXNE)?SET:RESET;
tmp2 = __HAL_SPI_GET_IT_SOURCE(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_IT_RXNE);
tmp3 = __HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_OVR)?SET:RESET;
/* SPI in mode Receiver and Overrun not occurred ---------------------------*/
if ((tmp1 != RESET) && (tmp2 != RESET) && (tmp3 == RESET))
tmp1 = __HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_TXE)?SET:RESET;
tmp2 = __HAL_SPI_GET_IT_SOURCE(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_IT_TXE);
/* SPI in mode Transmitter ---------------------------------------------------*/
if ((tmp1 != RESET) && (tmp2 != RESET))
if (__HAL_SPI_GET_IT_SOURCE(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_IT_ERR) != RESET)
/* SPI CRC error interrupt occurred ---------------------------------------*/
if (__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_CRCERR))
(&mb_spi_handle)->ErrorCode |= HAL_SPI_ERROR_CRC;
/* SPI Mode Fault error interrupt occurred --------------------------------*/
if (__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_MODF))
(&mb_spi_handle)->ErrorCode |= HAL_SPI_ERROR_MODF;
/* SPI Overrun error interrupt occurred -----------------------------------*/
if (__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_OVR))
(&mb_spi_handle)->ErrorCode |= HAL_SPI_ERROR_OVR;
/* SPI Frame error interrupt occurred -------------------------------------*/
if (__HAL_SPI_GET_FLAG(&mb_spi_handle, SPI_FLAG_FRE))
(&mb_spi_handle)->ErrorCode |= HAL_SPI_ERROR_FRE;
Checksum failing packet sample
Checksum pass sample
Narendra . C
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-11-20 1:33 AM
Hello Community ,
The issue is resolved now after increasing SPI clock speed .
Thank you
2023-11-18 12:23 AM
I'm unsure but I think that MOSI - Master Out Slave In is stored data correctly.
In image is start with 0x03 so that it get correct on.
So it's possible that master are do wrong.
another thing is I'm unsure what kind of this protocol. It's like as the MCU has free to exchange the data directly.
there is no any protocol as something like read or write command.
2023-11-18 12:35 AM
it is SPI communication . I programmed SPI Slave, i used External pin interrupt as chip select where it enables and disables the SPI slave and talk to master .
SPI data is not saving correctly in rx_buffer . 0x03 should be at the end of the rx_buffer
2023-11-18 1:55 AM
but from this image
it's start with 0x03.
2023-11-20 1:32 AM
Hi @Tinnagit ,
Channel 1 is MISO (it is the output from slave) .Here i am sending back the data which is received from master .
Narendra C
2023-11-20 1:33 AM
Hello Community ,
The issue is resolved now after increasing SPI clock speed .
Thank you