Hi,the display we're trying to use uses an ILI9488 display driver, has a resolution of 320x480 pixels, is controlled via an 8 bit parallel bus and has a color depth of either 16 or 24 bit per pixel. The parallel bus works by pulling a WE (write enabl...
Hello,I succefully figured out to scan ADC1 and ADC2 (countinous mode) with DMA. The issue is that by doing above, controller remains busy and no counter update in while(1). If I disable the ADC start then counter starts working. could you please hel...
How can I write the process of receiving barcode information from UART2 channel and sending it from UART1 channel in c language I am working with stm32l562
why this mismatch in this or did i get confused? please help me with this. i want to connect user led port to external led
The documentation for the I2C interfaces on the STM32H747_CM7 board says:<name>SADD0</name> <description>Slave address bit 0 (master mode) In 7-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 0): This bit is dont care In 10-bit addressing mode (ADD10 = 1): This bit sho...
Hi, I am trying to launch a device that has an STM32H7B3RIT, but I have encountered some issues regarding interrupts. I am using CubeMX and CubeIDE to generate a very simple project with an internal clock (64MHz) and no initial configuration. However...
We have the task to enable an assambler to quicker his assambling process of a couple of hundreads of units, and one of the time consuming process is to attach batteries, program the unit and then deatach the batteries for the later steps of assambli...
I have an analog circuit that is read by an ADC input. I would like to have a self-diagnostic function where I inject a known signal to the input of that circuit with the DAC for a self test, then disconnect the DAC from the pin and leave the pin in...