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SBSFU Linker script issue on STM32F746

Hi,I've been trying to implement the SBSFU package on my STM32F746 but I got some issues.I started from the STM32F769I-Discovery example given in the SBSFU package supply by ST.I'm trying to modify the memory mapping to fit my device.When I'm debuggi...

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Resolved! HAL_I2C_Mem_Read disables interrupts

Hello all,I am working on a project which is based on stm32f103cbt7 mcu.In my project i have two freeRTOS task and 2 timer interrupts and 1 uart interrupt routine.Task 1:  handles wireless communication (it reads a buffer and if buffer has some valid...

sanju by Senior
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Wiring STM32C011J6 (SO8) MCU to STLINK-V3

I have an STLINK-V3 set, and I'd like to program an STM32C011J6 MCU.I'm not sure how to wire the programmer to that device, since I only have eight pins available, with VDD, GND, and RST leaves only five pins remaining, but I'm not sure how to wire t...

polemon by Associate II
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Resolved! ST link unable to connect STM32F205

HelloI swapped STM32F072RBT6 for STM32F205RCT6 on the board (I needed more RAM) and even though the cases are pin-compatible (LQFP64) ST llink v2 reports that it cannot connect to the target.ST link works reliably on STM32F072RBT6.I tried to connect ...

PNova.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Toggle Button off after a specific interval

Hi,I want to switch off the toggle button itself after a specific interval, let's say 60 sec.Currently it works fine in View.cpp using handleTickEvent but as soon as I navigate to different screen, it doesn't update.Is it possible to run this counter...

Ofaro.1 by Associate II
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STM32H7B3 JPEG Encoder

Hi, I try to encode a VGA image RGB565 from camera using STM32H7B3 with 32 bit external RAM running at 125MHz. the CPU runs on 272MHz. for un known reason the hardware encoding process take 50ms for one frame. i only talk about the hardware encoder a...

MSale.1 by Senior
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Resolved! DCMI_SnapshotMode project on STM32H747I-DISCO Not Working

The DCMI_SnapshotMode (and the DCMI_CaptureMode) project is able to be compiled and executed on the discovery kit, but the LCD panel only shows snow/static instead of video from the B-CAMS-OMV camera module bundle. Analysis via an oscilloscope shows ...

sh100 by Associate
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Bootloader on STM32F0

Summary: A 10-character message is sent through the interface (It uses RS485). Then, the first character, "h," is received by the processor and verified. If it is confirmed to be the character "h," the remaining 9 characters are received. After verif...