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Hi I'm trying to establish a communication using I2C with a MCP45HVX1 digital potentiometer device with the stm32g474-re discovery board, I'm using I2C2 module that has been configured with MX with interrupt enabled. I'm using PF0 as SDA and PC4 as S...
Greetings,I am trying to set TIM16 on 1us period but the smallest period I am able to achieve is 4us here is the values of my prescaler and auto-reload register(ARR). I am working with the HAL.SysClk = 170MHzPSC = 16 (+1 will be added) ARR = 9 (+1 wi...
Greeetings, I'am currently working on a project consisting on acquiring a TTL signal which could have a change of frequency for the entire duration of the signal. My plan is to use the Zero Crossing algorithms after taking sample each us of the signa...
Hi, I am working on SPI to communicate with the AD9959 from analog device, I'm analyzing the MOSI and MISO signal with probes on an oscilloscope and can see that  I can successfully write and read from the device, the thing is that HAL_SPI_Receive() ...
Hi, I'am currently working on implementing a driver with the AD9959 with the stm32G474re discovery board, I am able to write to all 4 channel to generate any frequencies with any phases with the SPI module, but when I'm trying to read, HAL_SPI_Receiv...
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