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Forum Posts

Resolved! transfer 64kb of data via SPI using DMA on STM32H7

Hi, I want to transfer 64kByte of data from memory to my display controller using SPI and DMA.Everything is working smoothly so far, but I have some problems of understanding, when I try to use the max. number of bytes.So: 64kByte = 65536 Bytes.But t...

SThie.1 by Associate II
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M4 Core debug issue

Hi, I'm trying to debug and run simple assembly code in Nucleo-H745ZI-Q board .The IDE successfully builds the program without throwing any errors, However when I try to debug the program CM4 throws the following error:Error in Final Launch Sequence ...

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-03 at 10.22.20 AM.jpeg
Harsh_18 by Associate II
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problem with stm32g474cet6 - no connection via swd

Hello everyone. I have a homemade board with a stm32g474cet6 processor. I can't connect to the processor via swd, while if boot0 is closed to +3.3v, then the chip is perfectly programmed via uart. I rechecked the board, all the blocking capacitors ar...

CRC data ignored after CRC reset

[This is a reconstruction of a thread I've started on Apr 7, 2017, but got lost in the two forum software transitions since then.]CRC unit is reset by writing CRC_CR.RESET to 1.If immediately after this data are written into CRC_DR by the processor (...


Resolved! How can i use i2c4 on STM32H750B-DK?

I'm testing i2c4 on STM32H750B-DK board with DS3231 but I think that i2c4 peripheral is not worked as i expected.1. CubeMX settings - Only set SYS, RCC(HSE-Crsystal/Ceramic Resonator), USART3(115200 bps), I2C4(PD12: I2C4_SCL, PD13: I2C4_SDA)) after c...

David Kim by Associate II
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STM32U5 AWS Virtual workshop

Hi,We are working on a project based on the x-cube-aws package. I used the script from the GitHub STM32U5 AWS Virtual workshop to setup the project. The script STM32U5_AWS_VWS_PrereqCheck.ps1 runs successfully. I got the error below when building the...

sliu1314 by Associate
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Custom PCB detection

I designed a PCB using STM32L476RG and MPU6050. I used USB interface in the board. When I am connecting the board to my laptop the board is getting the power but laptop is unable to detect the board. Should I install any drivers in my laptop to make ...