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Configuring a G431RBT6 with cubeMX and the reference manual - confusing at least

Senior III

I just wanted to configure the board. I never thought, that i would need more than 10 minutes at the first function (3 pins - timer for hall sensors).

It takes quite a bit of investigation to figure out those connections. I just want to ask if i am right, and if there are some tips (tutorials) that can help me. This is the second STM32 i am going to set up for a (for me) bigger project.

I had some issue here finding "tim_ti1f_ed", but i found "tim_ti1_ed", and after some more looking the actual place in the bigger diagram. Is this right? Are there any tables with those "tim_ti1f_ed" names, that could help and make it easy to remember?doc.jpg

timer lame.jpg


Edit: Edited by ST Moderator to add the right Labels.

ST Employee

Hello @Tobe,

You are right! I confirm there is a typo in the RM0440 for ("tim_ti1f_ed", "tim_ti1_ed").

I escalated this internally for correction in internal ticket number 168075 (PS: This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).

Thanks for your contribution.


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You can add a typo more to the ticket. I think its the one below "fp2"

another typo.jpg

Thank you @Tobe once more for having reported this typo.

Best Regards


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