Resolved! General purpose timer
I came across the term in the user manual of L4P5 series that shadow register, auto preload register and auto reload register in timer operationwhat is the difference between three of them?
I came across the term in the user manual of L4P5 series that shadow register, auto preload register and auto reload register in timer operationwhat is the difference between three of them?
I am using ADC to read a potentiometer . every time I read 20 data and calculate the average to get a better result. Although the voltage on the ADC pin is stable, the ADC result is not. the final result will be acceptable by reading 100 data each ti...
my design equipped with STM32F412ZGJ6TR When applying reset command my STM does not wakeup We have produced many PCBAs till now without any issue relate to reset mechanism. The external Hardware reset that was implemented contain Pull-Up resistor ...
The two buttons next to the STM32H735 I bought fell off during the shipping process. Will this have a great impact on the use?
Hi,I am using STM32L4R7VIT which is having OSPI interface and I have connected M9501 Memory which is the single SPI mode memory. I found no example in cube repository or in any post in community which interacted with this issue.Regards,VK Verma
I use STM32G050C8T6 DMA for the timer PWM. For the IDE I use STM32CubeIDE. Also in my code block have usart 2 comunication line.Timer PWM work with DMA interrupt. DMA and DMAMUX configuration generated by CubeIDE. When I start the code and if I use t...
I am considering STM32F042 in a new product design to provide USB RNDIS interface to the product.Looking at manufacturing options to program the STM32F042 device, I would prefer to use the USB port rather than adding a debug header to the design for ...
Hi guys. please tell me why you don't do enough NVIC? for example, when several timers are running, and it is necessary to parallelize tasks so that interrupts from each timer happen independently, but now until one interrupt comes out, the other wil...
Hello,I try to adjust the AN4061 EEPROM emulation lib of ST for my STM32F05 controller (1 KB Flash page size) to provide 2 KB data bytes of EEPROM size to use. The reservation of the needed flash pages and the erase page is without problems. The read...
Hello,Following setup: STM32L431 MCU with 64 pins TQFPThe board I'm using is a minimally soldered version because I could not reach the stated figures in standby mode from the datasheet.Necessary capacitors are soldered + 1x 22uF 0805 + a 32kHz cryst...