I have set the ADC clock frequency to 80 MHz and I am operating the ADC1 and ADC2 in dual regular simultaneous mode where sampling cycles I have set to 2.5cycles each, so what will be the sampling frequency for the signal?
heyI work with NUCLEO-H723ZG,STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32H723ZG MCU.I try to implement web-server on my board.I work with the example of LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS.From my test, the size of the website will be larger than 600MB. T...
Some of the parameters which can return negative values (not all the time, sometimes positive) are: Power Factor, ReactivePowerReceived, ApparentPowerDelivered, and whatever these parameters are:Vmom = -162 AEload = -0.174030 Imom = -43 PF = -0....
Hi everybody,I want to compensate the internal RC oscillator drift in a STM32F446RCT6. My idea is to measure the internal temperature and the trim the RC oscillator according to this using the designated register for it. Unfortunately the diagram of ...
In my case I configured my counter as center aligned mode and my PWM mode as PWM mode 1.Finally I used the CCR(compare capture register) but i don't have no idea how this CCR work that means it sends a PWM signal every period of time or point by poin...
I am using HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) to generate a sine wave based on DDS and I have also implemented ADC to get the value and perform some calculation. My sampling rate is 100KHz so my timer interrupt should trigger ever...
I have a STM32H7 connected to a STM32L1 via RS485. I would like to use the H7 to reprogram the L1 using the system bootloader.Has the USART to be full duplex?Thank you, regards
Hello,I am looking at the smartcard example application - https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeG4/tree/master/Projects/STM32G474E-EVAL/Examples/SMARTCARD/SMARTCARD_T0_MFXIn the project .ioc file, I see that the Baud Rate is set to 10752 Bit...
Hi,My application will use intensively use Virtual Com Port to exchange datas from my board to the PC. I would like to make sure that debugging through STLink is still possible as i will be exchanging datas. Does St Link use the same USB port for deb...