User Activity

Hi , Is there an automatic calibration routine for the STM32L471RGT6 ADC? If there isn't can someone point me to example code on how to read the internal reference (or some other approach) so I can write code to perform calibration. Thank you very mu...
Hi is it possible to communicate 32 bit data over the SPI bus? Using IOC to set up the SPI port 2 , I seem to be limited to 16 bits.Thanks a lot  Richard  
Hi,I have the following code to enter shutdown with UART interrupts for the wake up. The processor does shutdown briefly (confirmed with power measurements) and then wakes up after ~.5 seconds. I cannot see any traffic on the serial ports and I can't...
Hi, I am trying to detect whether a reset event was caused by power on rather than any other reset such as a button reset or a software reset. I attempted to use  if (__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_PORRST) != RESET)but the compiler reports that PORRST ...
Hi , I am using DMA/serial port transfer with RTS /CTS handshaking to transfer between 490 and 506 bytes from variable dma_buffer. The byte stream is terminated with \r\n\0 . the code is below : while (transmit_complete_flag !=1 ){;} // wait here un...
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