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Resolved! STM32F4 - Fade and Loop Debugging Help

Greetings,I have been working with the STM32F407ZG and a KnobG Click from MikroElectronica. I read the datasheet for the PCA9956B and have managed to address the device successfully at the address of 0x70. Now then according to the usage I have seen ...

Resolved! STM32 Ethernet RMII set up issues

Hey all, I've been working on this issue for about a week and am still not gaining any traction. I am trying to set up the RMII for the STM32H723ZG eval board (I cannot use the MII as we are using the pins for other peripherals).The LwIP TCP echo wor...

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cjbruff by Associate II
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Hello I am validating the ADC DMA Timer using stm32u5I am doing when ADC and DMA are working fine but timer is not working getting into the error handler what I am doing is I want start ADC and DMA  when timer trigger but the timer is following error...

PESHWA by Associate II
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please let me know my coding is correct ,whether usage of my exti is correct  while (1) { HAL_Delay(300); // MAINS INPUT Adc_Mains(); HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1,1000); Main...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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I couldn't able wakeup the system after standby (wakeup should be switching ON mains ) the wakeup pin PA2 is connected to mains pin configured for pwr wakeup.  int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuratio...

SRAM.11 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 SPI vs STM32F4 spi

Im moving my project code from stmf407 to stm32h743 and i have stucked with spi. First of all stmh743 has many more registers and it also lack some of them like RXONLY register in CR1. What im trying to do its receive 19bytes from the master,the mast...

Screenshot_2.png stm32f4 init.png after_init_STmh7.png h7 clock.png