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STM32U575 - USBPD_CAD_Init error wit Thread-Safe setting

Hello,I am building an application using ThreadX, FileX, USBX and USBPD. Everyting runs perfectly until I bring USBPD in the game. Whatever I do, I always get an error when the library calls USBPD_CAD_Init().More precisely, the function fails at a ca...

Pepils by Associate II
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Regarding STSW-IMG010

Hi, I have  X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 and X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 board can any of these boards be used to run the STSW-IMG010. The documentation in STSW-IMG010 mentions that we should use a X-NUCLEO-53L1A1. Please let me know if I should make any modifications to mak...

Update/re-program STM32F722 Firmware via UART

Hello everyone,I have a project where I use a main baseboard that connects to an STM32F722 microcontroller via a UART interface. My goal is to achieve updating the program running on the STM32F722 without requiring any user intervention. In other wor...

Juanjo97 by Associate II
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Programing firmware

I am developing a board using the STM32H725. We are currently programing each board using the STM32Cube    programmer and then we send the PCB on a test bench to test each card. This step that seems to be quite simple but it actually adds additional ...

josimmor by Associate
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ADC noise on STM32F413

Hello,For a project (control motor application), we are using ADC from MCU STM32F413. We encounter some noise on ADC measurments. We observe to high standard deviation on our ADC result.We show in errata doc of mcu  we an issue: "Internal noise impac...

AlexisC by Associate II
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UPGRADE FIRMWARE stm32l072kztx

Olá pessoal, estou tentando atualizar o micro firmware usando stm32 cubeIde stm32l072kztx. Já tentei usar os comandos AT^SISS e baixar o arquivo .HEX compilado via FTP, já tentei usar os comandos AT^SNFOTA, mas não funcionou. Baixando via FTP consigo...


Hi,I want to use input capture mode using TIMER2 feature of Stm32f730vbt6 microcontroller. I am receiving a pulse signal from the oscilloscope and I want to remove it via STM using the timer's input capture mode. What should I use in the code for thi...

Leylifer by Associate II
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