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While setting up input capture for the stm32h743 using the IOC.  On timer 2 channel 4, I have pin conflicts, but the IOC gave me the option to use "input capture direct mode from remap".  I can not find a description of what remap means.
Working with STM32H743 and STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0.Created a project with FreeRTOS and USB Device CDC.When the program goes into the first vTaskDelay(1000) a hard crash occurs.
I have defined PE9 as belonging to Timer 1;I setup timer 1 as PWM as shown above.When I enable the timer, nothing happens at PE9.I tried setting force  high; no changeWhen I define PE9 as standard output forced high, it goes high.  So I know that the...
STM32CubeIDE does not give me an options to select PE15 as an external interrupt source.The documentation , RM0438 suggests there are 15 possible external interrupts.  Which is true?
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