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Forum Posts

STM32G491VET6 not "leaving" dfu-util

Hello,I am using dfu-util (v0.11) to update the firmware on my board.It updates correctly, but I get a LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE error during the "leave".Looking at it with a USB analyzer, a stall is occurring during the GET_STATUS that executes the leave re...

MButsch by Associate III
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ADC DMA wrong reading right pins used

Hi  ST community.I am in the process of building an audio recorder similar to the one in this video (12 bit ADC to Wav via FATFS and SDIO)(223) STM32 Audio Recorder 2: SD Card || SDIO and FatFs stack - YouTubeI followed the instructions of the follow...

Resolved! STM32F030F4 and STM32F103C4Tx CHİP BOOT

I use the STM32F103C4 and STM32F030F4 chip. I design a card with these chips. How I can programmable these chips? If I add SWDIO, SWCLK, +3.3V, and GND pins to the card as a male header, Can I connect the ST-LINK v3 to these pins and program it direc...

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bngstskn by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F401 Using flash memory sector 0 as storage

Hello,I'm searching for a way to use sector 0 as storage memory but no luck so far.I'm using STM32F401CCU6 and I'm working on a firmware which have to save about 300 bytes in a no volatile memory. For this microcontroller family we have this memory m...

Chuckero by Associate II
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STM32H7 SPI Slave Dynamic Message Length

Hi,I'm using SPI to communicate between two micros - one F103 (master) and one H750 (slave). The data communicated will be vastly different in purpose and size (e.g. from simple requests to firmware image download) and so the designed protocol necess...