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Forum Posts

PWM Generation CH1 CH1N doesnt work?

Hi, I have STM32F091RCTx and want to send PWM generated signals on 2 PIN's.//... HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1, (uint32_t*)LedData, LED_DATA_LENGTH); //...   void HAL_TIM_PWM_PulseFinishedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if (htim ==...

JBond.1 by Senior
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Resolved! All EXTIs triggered at same time

I configured the EXTIs for 16 inputs from PD0 to PD15, rising and falling edge, IRQ1 for PD0, IRQ2 por PD1, and so on as must be for groups 5-9 and 10-15 IRQ Handler. I debug the program with a breakpoint in each EXTI_IRQ_HANDLER and all of them are ...

What is MSP for?

Posted on April 20, 2016 at 18:24This is a maybe stupid question but I cannot find a good (for me) explaination of how to use them. What the acronym is meant for?I see in the docs'The peripheral initialization is done through HAL_PPP_Init() while th...

stanzanim by Associate III
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STM32 SPI 16 bit transfer with a 32 bit Slave device

Hello, I had a general inquiry about using SPI. We are trying to use the STM32F446xC as the microcontroller to control a SPI-to-CAN controller (TCAN4550) which does 32 bit transfers. The microcontroller can only perform 8 or 16 bit transfers through ...

Nivant11 by Associate
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STM32H7 Complementary PWM: Issue on CHxN

Hello,I am trying to generate a complementary PWM with a timer in my STM32H723VGTx, I configured channel 1 on timer 1 with the PWM Generation CH1 CH1N mode.I set all the parameters of the base timer and the value for the pulse of PWM, but during the ...

MGian.1 by Associate II
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Do HRTIM faults respect configured deadtime?

HiAssume that i set up an H-bridge and and control it via the HRTIM block and use the build in deadtime features. I then also enable a couple of faults. The bridges safe state will be to set both lower transistors to be OFF and the two upper once to ...

Detecting Missing Encoder Input

I am using LPTIM1 of an STM32WB55 to read the outputs of a quadrature encoder.If I disconnect either of the two inputs, the timer continues to increment or decrement.Is there any way to stop the counter changing value when one of the in puts is missi...

TWood.4 by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C read & write operation for LTC4015

 Hi,Currently I am working on a stm32 & LTC4015 based smart charger project. When I followed the data sheet the smbus or i2c read & write operation is given as below:-SMBus WRITE WORD PROTOCOL:-S SLAVE ADDRESS Wr A COMMAND CODE A DATA BYTE LOW A DATA...