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Hello Everyone, good day, Recently I have implemented RTC to my TouchGFX project for my Riverdi RVT70HSSFWCA0 STM32 Embedded Display that uses a STM32H757XIH6 Microcontroller. I have managed to get the time and date to show on the display, all is wor...
Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a great day. I would like to know how to work with the labels for the dynamic graph widget : I want to know how to make the X axis labels display a real time value instead of numbers and I want it to be accur...
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. Recently I have tried to measure temperature using a K-type thermocouple with a breakout board that uses a MAX31855 IC Its sends out 32 bits and my board can read 32 bits SPI. I have wired everything corr...
Hello everyone, I hope you're having a great day. I was planning on buying this STM32 NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q Board but as I was reading the user manual for the board, I realized there were no GPIO connectors for the board but rather there were these "ST Mor...
Hello everyone, Good day. Recently, I have bought a STM32 Display from Riverdi (model : RVT70HSSNWCA0) .I would like to know how do I communicate an external STM32 Nucleo board with this display? For example : I want to read ADC Value from a potentio...