SWV Trace Data Transfer Speed
How many samples of a uint32_t can trace log in one second, when trace is set to 2MHz using stlinkv2?
How many samples of a uint32_t can trace log in one second, when trace is set to 2MHz using stlinkv2?
I am using STM32H7A3/7B3 to my project.Currently I use HSE as for the system clock.There is a process when press power OFF MCU will go to STOP mode.My question how to check that HSE has stop and enter the STOP mode correctly?
Hello,I'm relatively new to PCB designing and I've already learned a lot of things, but I'm still not sure about connecting 2 components through GPIO pins. I have IIS2MDC magnetometer and I would like to connect INT/DRDY pin to STM32H747AI. Let's say...
Hi all,I want to measure the power consumption on my board which has a STM32L431CC. Other than the µC, there is nothing left on the board excepted for an RC filter on the NRST pin, I removed the RTC quartz.Inspired by the example code i found, i wrot...
Hello,I'm using a custom board based on a STM32H735 with various GPIO inputs and outputs. The STM32 is packaged as a 0.5mil pitch BGA and the board assembly has been outsourced.I'm able to flash a program on the MCU and debug it by adding breakpoints...
Hello.I am using the STM32F030 for a sensor with a RS485 interface.In my tests, I am sending a 8-bits message (constant value) to the STM32 in a loop. When I look at the data received, the last byte is at the first place, always. There is never any o...
Im attempting to put the cpu to sleep between ticks of timer 15 on a stm32L432, The LED flashs without the Sleep code however it never wakes up from the timer interuptvoid HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef * htim) { HAL_ResumeTick(); if...
Hi all,We are trying to wire a microphone to the STM32U585. The microphone (T5838) outputs PDM and takes a clock as input.As far as I understand, the MDF peripheral supports PDM interface (as stated in RM046, Rev 4, 39.1), so it is compatible with th...
Using the latest STM32CubeIDE, STM32CubeH5 and NUCLEO-H563ZI with TrustZone disabled.I put a breakpoint at the first instruction in startup in Reset_Handler. The debugger shows in SFRs, SCB->VTOR_S is 0x8000000 (which is my NSBOOTADD) and SCB->VTOR_N...
I've been using bootloader over USART3 PB10/PB11 at an STM32F446ZET6 for long time and it works reliably at least at 115200kbit. This year we assembled several new PCB's without HW change and the bootloader stopped working. When programming the STM3...