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i am sorry for creating a lot of post recently but i just can not program my microcontrollers. when ever i try to program it i get this:STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.5.0Copyright (c) 2023, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved. S...
i have 3 STM32C031G4U6 microcontroller i bought from digikey. no matter what i do i can not program them. i tried a cheap stlink v2 clone as well as stlinkv3minie. i have the swdio, swclk and nrst connected to the microcontroller. no matter what i do...
i bought 3 STM32C031G4U6 microcontrollers from digikey turkey distributor and soldered them on breakout boards. i have them connected with stlink v2 over SWCLK and SWDIO i double checked connections and power but i can not program them. it just gives...
i bought a stm32vldiscovery board from digikeys turkey distrubitor. my computer sees it but stlinkupgrade tells me it is not supported. is there a way to fix this or did i just bought a chunk of glorified useless silicon?
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