What to do with unused IO's
Here in the below image from the Cube MX it suggests that, SET all the free pins as analog (to optimize the power consumption). How does it help. Also is it applicable to all the controller families?
Here in the below image from the Cube MX it suggests that, SET all the free pins as analog (to optimize the power consumption). How does it help. Also is it applicable to all the controller families?
I'm porting a QSPI bootloader over from a design that 1 flash chip to 2 flash chips in parallel (10 bit mode, common CS). I am not sure how the addressing works now that there are 2 chips in parallel. I feel like the only thing STM32 says on the ma...
Posted on January 19, 2018 at 13:38I am working with the STM32F7691I-EVAL board and I would like to determine the frequency of any given timer:GET_TIMER_FREQ(TIMx)The macro/function should be able to determine the frequency regardless of which clock...
Hi,I recently bought a ST-LINK/V2 dongle and it didn't work. I checked the insides of it to see that the microcontroller inside wasn't an ST one, but a Geehy clone microcontroller. I bought another, which was not a dongle, it was the larger white ver...
Hi all,I am using the NUCLEO-F446RE with the STM32F446RE. I am trying to interface with an external dual sampling differential ADC: ADS9224R.ADC Timing DiagramThe ADC can provide samples at up to 3M/s. I would be happy to achieve ~0.8M/s sampling.I h...
Hi,I am trying to receive data (on STM32L083) via USART1, the way I was used to doing it on STM32L071. Specifically, I used a circular buffer that was continuously written to by DMA - RX. Now, I've ported the code to this L083 and it seems that nothi...
Hi all,I am using a STM32L476RG NUCLEO Board with FreeRTOS and STM32 iCUBE LoRaWAN stack. I have a UART interface connected to Raspberry Pi, which periodically sends and receives data to-from STM32. I am using a circular buffer with DMA and IDLE Line...
My question is related to the stm32u575 and bu585's board definitions in the Zephyr Project. Actually, there is no question related to the hw design.I shared these questions on the Zephyr repo but no one has given an answer yet.https://github.com/zep...
Hello,We have this part MPN#STM32L431RCT6TR with labels not matching the top markings.Labels is with 7and top markings with Z .See photo below.Please let us know if this are ok.Thank you in advance!Best Regards,Winnie
Hi,I am quite new to STM32 MCU family and have a quick question. I attached schematic for the reference. Is STM32F103CBT6 capable of driving complementary 50 kHz of PWM signals(HI and LO) with configurable duty cycle for the gate driver IC? Yes, I am...