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STM32F103ZET6 - Interface with LCD driver Ilitek ILI9341

Hi,I have inherited a project that utilizes Nuttx RTOS. This project is to change out the LCD display due to EoL. We are changing from Renesas R61580 Driver to Ilitek ILI9341. The existing driver is hooked up via 16-bit MCU command via the FSMC, with...

JT-88 by Associate
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SDCard initialization issues

Hi everyone,I am encountering issues in sdcard initialization on my custom board.I am getting SDMMC_FLAG_CTIMEOUT error in SD_PowerON once the first CMD8: SEND_IF_COND is sent.Looking at signals and comparing with an identical custom board, you can s...

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lukin by Associate III
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G.722 vocoder

Hello,I've seen the AN4229-how-to-implement-a-vocoder-solution note, which talks about support for G.711 and G.726. Does anyone know if anything is available specifically for G.722?Thanks

EC.3 by Associate III
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How to index different GPIO ports in one array

hi everyone.I'm trying to index different GPIO ports and pins.  #define STEP1_HALF1_PORT GPIOA#define STEP2_HALF1_PORT GPIOB#define STEP3_HALF1_PORT GPIOA#define STEP4_HALF1_PORT GPIOC#define STEP5_HALF1_PORT GPIOBGPIO_TypeDef *Half1StepPortNum[5] = ...

Resolved! Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) on STM32U5 devices?

Dear STM CommunityIn order to ease our debugging, I would like to make use of the Micro Trace Buffer which seems to be integrated in the Cortex M33 Core (e.g. stated by STM here:

Stef2 by Associate
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Resolved! iwdg is not working while usb device is running.

Hi,My MCU us stm32f401rct6.This MCU has three UART and all UART are using for service. No console UART port :(So, I make a USB CDC device to use console port.But, iwdg is not working. When I use UART console port, while(1); occur watchdog reset. But,...

Paul.Lee by Associate III
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SPI1 with DMA Overflow Issue

I have SPI1 setup as Receive Only Slave with DMA enabled.  I send 10 bytes from SPI2 ( to simulate a full duplex master uC )  and it works well the first time I transmit 10 bytes.  When I transmit 10 bytes a second time, SPI1's overflow flag gets set...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Resolved! Understanding MPU config for FMC LCD on STM32H7

Hi,I'm currently trying to understand the recommended MPU config (when settings up an 8 bit LCD connected via the FMC on an STM32H742. Everything is currently working, but I haven't been able to wrap my head around why configuring the MPU regions wit...

BEvan.2 by Associate II
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