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STM32F2XX + SDIO + FatFs problem

Posted on January 09, 2012 at 10:38Hi, I've a problem with my STM32. I need to use fat filesystem on SD card to read/write/create files. I tried to use Chan FatFs module but it didn't working at all ... I use SD card in SDIO and 4 wires mode. When I...

Resolved! Voltage Regulator in STM32H7 HAL Manual

Hi,I just wanted to mention that its really frustrating that in the STM32H7 HAL Manual, in the RCC Section,1. There isnt a simple step by step guide to setting up the clock config to follow along, like there is for other things like GPIO's. As someon...

Addition Problem

Hi,    I am doing something fundamental and cannot get this thing running.  n =(TIM1->CNT); z= n + 3;   for the first loop cycle 'z' is =3 This is as expected, But as soon as the CNT is increased by 1 the value of 'z' is 4 as shownLOOP COUNTCOUNT...

ZExpo.1 by Senior
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Checking whether my Bluepill is real or fake?

I bought Bluepill devboards from two different sellers, paying extra to hopefully receive genuine STM chips. When I use the Bluepill Diagnostics Tool written by Terry Porter, the tool reports passing on all counts except for one:Declared flash not 65...

SSmit.5 by Associate
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Bootloader entry on STM32G07x

Hi all, I'm experiencing a strange issue where every once in a while I am unable to enter bootloader on the STM32G0. I have the option bits set correctly and have a hardware push button connected to both nRst and Boot0. I can normally hold the Boot0 ...

Konami by Senior II
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Resolved! Why do we have to clear Deep Sleep bit after wake up?

Hi everyone,Is anyone can explain the SLEEPDEEP bit from SCB->SCR with more information than the pm0214 stm32 cortex-m4 reference manual?Controls whether the processor uses sleep or deep sleep as its low power mode: 0=Sleep, 1=Deep SleepWhat i want t...

jfcote by Associate II
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