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STLINK-V3SET allows programming but not debugging

I've an STLINK-V3SET and while trying to connect with my board, it does detect the chip but I'm unable to debug. Works fine with stm32 programmer but I'm unable to debug program on stm32 cube ide.Connections:STLINK -- BoardGND --> GNDDIO  --> SWDIOCL...

Ans by Associate III
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Resolved! Processor crash on PG10 initialisation

Hi all,I am in the process of bringing up a prototype board with a STM32L4R7ZIT6. I'm using CubeMX and use it for generating the startup code. I've configured a lot of peripherals.When I configure PG10 as an input, the CPU crashes. Exactly at the mom...

GeertZelf by Associate III
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Can't able to upload code in STM nucleo-u575zu-q

we are using STM nucleo-u575zi-q module, when I try to connect with pc its indicating the error with this failed txt file, need help to rectify this issue, Due to this issue we are unable to upload new code to this controller, please help us to resol...

Raja2 by Associate
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STM32F7 QSPI Fast Read Quad Problems

I am here again to ask for your help :)I am using a STM32F767ZI Nucleo Board and connected a Winbond W25Q64JV using the QSPI interface of the MCU. Everything is working fine so far - I can read data in every mode described in the data sheet (even Fas...

PUrsu.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LPTIM stops working when RTC is activated

Hello,I started with configuring all 4 of the U5's LPTIMs to "Count internal clock events", sourcing all of them with LSE and using different period values for each. The autogenerated code (STM32CubeIDE v1.13.2) worked, meaning each timer toggled ind...

EC.3 by Associate III
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Special I2C slave , how solve wakeing masters

My problem is i require emulate with STM I2C chip , that requires wake adr send before comm. But normal slave code isnt handle this.Signals on bus (FYI master is other device no STM)as can see master send one adr without data and repeat, first reply ...

MM..1 by Chief III
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multichannel adc

why i am getting same values in all channels please someone helpvoid Adc_Vbat(void) { ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0}; sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_16; sConfig.Rank = 1; sConfig.SamplingTime = ADC_SAMPLINGTIME_COMMON_1; if (HAL_ADC_...

meena by Associate III
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