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Forum Posts

How to use DMD P10 LED displays with STM32

Hi there,I am working on a project where I am using STM32F401RE but later might shift to STM32F0 controller for interfacing it with DMD P10 LED display (monochrome/RGB), so are there any resources available for that? By resources I mean, libraries an...

DJ17 by Associate II
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Writing to a USB stick from STM32G474Cx MCU

I would like to preface with the fact that I am fairly new to hardware programming and electronics hardware design so bear with me if I am making some beginner mistakes.I am trying to write data to a USB stick using the PA11(33) pin and the PA12(34) ...

Resolved! HAL_I2C_Mem_Read returns error if used inside ISR

 Hi,Currently I am implementing the smbalert functionality for ltc4015 based battery charger.But when I am using the below mentioned code(commented section) inside isr it is returning communication error.  //SMBALERT interrupt from ltc4015 to stm32l0...

Lora network

Hey everyone what is the effect on the speed of  data transmission from gateway to nodes in Lora-wan network using stm32 if one  increases the number of nodes.

ARQAM by Associate
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Resolved! Generating Timer Interrupt between 1BPM to 999BPM

Is there a way to use timers to trigger an interrupt at between 1.00BPM and 999.00BPM, with a 2 decimal resolution?   I'm currently using an STM32F373 with 8Mhz clock for my timers, and set the Timer Prescaller to 8000-1, and set the ARR register to ...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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Resolved! Kit/boards recommendation for handheld game console

Hi,I have for dream to be able to create a handheld game console like the PSP when I was younger. It's for this main reason I study electronics.I wonder if there is a kit that help me to understand and learn about the concept of it or something not t...

KarlY by Associate II
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stm32f4 hardfault

hiI use stm32f4 micro but an external interrupt pinwhen i increase frequency of the external signal connected to interrupt pin, the micro jump to hardfaultwhy? how I can detect the solution? 

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jhasa.2 by Associate III
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Stuck while reading/wirting from/to SD card

Hi, I have STM32F407 and trying to read/wirte from/to SD card and often the code get stuck in the this loop: static uint32_t SD_FindSCR(SD_HandleTypeDef *hsd, uint32_t *pSCR) { //... while(!__HAL_SD_GET_FLAG(hsd, SDIO_FLAG_RXOVERR | SDIO_FLAG_DC...

JBond.1 by Senior
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STM32L412 UART Interrupt not working

Hi, I am new to STM32. I am facing problem with UART interfacing. I have connected UART to GSM modem and I am using AT Commands to interface with modem. To test the commands and its response, I have connected the serial sniffer (UART to USB converter...