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Resolved! STM32 series PWM out logic level at reset and pause state

I am using STM32F103RCTx and STM32CubeIDE for developing a small application.I am tuning a vacuum pump DC motor using PWM signal with TIM1 CHANNEL_1. But I hit a small problem when I start debug the board. The motor is running from the time the IDE s...

NEdom.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! change pins from gpio to uart

Hi everyone!, in my prototype  i need some low and high pulse before sending uart datas.. How can i do this? I have already tried using HAL_GPIO_Write and HAL_DELAY and it is not worked.I need an advice for it.Thanks.

HAL_FLASHEx_Erase HardFault_Handler STM32G030K8

Hello,I have developed an application that saves accelerometer data when a machine starts up. This data is stored in the last page of the controller's memory (page 31).I'm encountering a HardFault exception that occurs intermittently, roughly 1 in 20...

sde c.1 by Senior II
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Ethernet on custom board with STM32H730

I have a custom board with an STM32H730 and a LAN8710A PHY, operated in RMII mode.  The board is a new design, based on an older board but with some differences (the older board has an STM32H750).  My short-term goal is to prove out the hardware -- a...

DanS by Associate
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Resolved! UART Receive issue

Hello,I'm struggling with a really strange issue. I'm trying to make UART RX working on a STM32G4 custom board.I've followed the UART Interrupt tutorial. ('ve tested it with Nucleo-G431RB a...

EtienneLJ by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C_DR register wont be cleared

I'm using stm32f103c8 and PCA9685 devices. I'm trying to send data to PCA9685 via I2C bus. I send data using I2C_DR register. But when i write a data to I2C_DR register it sticks to it. After the data is send thee I2C_DR register should be cleared bu...


MDF and ADF: input data from RAM

Is it possible to use the awesome MDF and/or ADF on STM32U5 with input data from RAM? I have not found any configuration for BSMX for this. One use case is an high performance external delta-sigma-demodulator (ADC) on SPI with proprietary data format...

FB1 by Associate II
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I2C stopped working after STM32F411CEU6 is reset

Hi, I've been working with my STM32F411CEU6. I connect my STM with BNO055 IMU sensor that use I2C as its communication protocol. Every time I press the reset button, the program should've start from the beginning, but in my case, that doesn't seem to...

WRama.1 by Associate II
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