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HAL_DAC_Start_DMA doesn't correctly display audio.

I wanted to use DAC with DMA with TIM5 being the trigger. my problem is that it does not correctly display the audio,I mean the original audio is like 10 seconds, I first tried to do the transfer by the CPU so that for every interrupt generated by th...

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abdosalm by Associate II
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Hello all,I have a project using UART DMA for receive datas from Nextion HMI. When i touch a button on Nextion Screen, data should be received a buffer via UART DMA.  First five hour it works good but after five hours no data flows. It is like the bu...


Hey folks, I am using UART RX in DMA mode using 512 byte buffer. My code sippest working fine. I have one question.Q. Suppose you have recevied 12 bytes but you have set 512 length so, rxCmplt() callback will not called. Right? But I wanted to stop U...

Can't Send POST Request

I'm trying to send POST request to my docker & node.js based server. But i cant send. Im using STM32F103RCT6 & ESP8266 (ESP-01)void connectWifi() { HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, (uint8_t *)"AT\r\n", strlen("AT\r\n"), HAL_MAX_DELAY); HAL_Delay(1000); ...

Resolved! Cannot change CAN Baud on the fly - STM32F103C8T6

Hi, I'm developing an CAN to USB converter, this converter needs to change the baud rate of the CAN when the user sends an determined message via UART.The Prescaler, TimeSeg1, TimeSeg2 are all configured correctly for the baud rate I desire, as examp...

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Cde M.1 by Associate II
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