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Hı everyoneI was trying to send the data to termite terminal. The data variables are coming from DS1307 (RTC Module) and BH1750 (Lux) sensor. However, The data coming from lux sensor is zero in termite. Rtc module variable is okey. Lux sensor variabl...
Hi allI am using 4 sensors on my project. These are comminicated with stm32f4 board via I2C. However there ara 3 I2C channel on stm32f4 board. Is it possible to connect them to same channel via  ı2c multiplexer ? As ı researched, the multiplexer is u...
Hı everyone, ı was trying to design basic timer project in register level about toggling on related led pin every 1 second. However, the led is on a few seconds after that it is off and never becoming on. When ı do the same project in HAL library, it...
Hi everyone,ı was trying to make adc to dac using DMA. Shortly the adc value is writed into DAC data register. So that the potentiometer is turned then the digital value is writed ADC register. The brightness of led is changed. However, ı get ADC val...
Hello, I have been trying to make a accelerator project by using lis302dl accelorator on STM32f407 vg discovery card. There are three axis which are x, y and z. These have x, y and z variables according to position of lis302dl on the card. I have use...