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Resolved! Get witch line has called Error_Handler(void)

Hi, I'm trying to develop a FW for one of my custom boards that has an ethernet interface.I'm using STM32CubeIDE, I generated the code with the configurator, and without even writing a line of code, if I go into debug, during the initialization of th...

FMass.1 by Associate III
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ADC multichannel DMA

with all your help I tried to change multichannel using DMA but I cant able to read the values can anyone please help ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc1; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc1; UART_HandleTypeDef huart2; /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */ uint16_t mains=0; uint16...

meena by Associate III
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STM32H723ZG Timer1 Source clock

HeyI try to work with the Timer1 in interrupt mode. I saw that Timer1 is belong to APB2 BUS. I configure my source clock to the TIMER1 to 96MHz (picture1),at APB2 Timer Clocks But I saw that the frequency is match to the number on APB2 Peripheral clo...

TOsso.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! UART Problems on STM32F103C8T6

Hi CommunityI could use some help regarding UART on the "Bluepill" board so I can get my night sleep back againI'm working on a small project where I'm creating some interrupt driven bit frames on 16 outputs. Each frame is 16mSec long and consists of...

SteenA by Associate
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LPTIM count error on STM32L476RG

Hello,I am experiencing counting errors (specifically overflow counting errors) on LPTIM1.A bit of context first: the goal is to use the LPTIM1 to count pulses which are first treated by the COMP1 (to convert the input signal into an all-or-nothing s...

afacerias by Associate II
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SPI1 and I2C1 pins are conflicting in the STM32H563

Hi Team, I am trying to use the SPI1 and the I2C1 simultaneously in the STM32H563ZI. Upon configuring the relevant pins in via cubeMX, I see that there is a conflict with the PB5 Pin. I want the PB5 to act as an SPI pin, whereas configuring I2C1 does...

Jansunil by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC continuous conversion with DMA, last sample error.

Using F401 ADC continuous conversion and DMA for multiple channels.I have pins A0-7, B1, PC0-5 running conversions. For consecutive pins in a group (A0-7) (C0-5), the final pin in use always has a different offset error to the rest. Note this actuall...

TonyFauci by Associate II
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Hi, I am currently using two SMT32F207 for I2C transmission (MASTER writes SLAVE). Below is my configuration and waveform diagram.The problem currently encountered is that once the bit changes from 1 to 0 (HIGH to LOW)The transmission of SCL and SDA ...

未命名.png master.png slave.png 69A21830-52B4-47F1-99A0-D77C79AFA942.jpg