STM32 MCUs Products

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Forum Posts


Hi,We have build a custom board based on the STM32L4R9I-EVAL, On our board we also used PSRAM IS66WVH8M8ALL-100We are facing a problems using this  PSRAM and we saw in the following forum discussions that it's a known issue and that the STM32L4R9 Doe...

YossefZ by Associate
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Resolved! X-Code Audio Problem

Hi,I am using the Stm32f446RC MCU model for a sound application. I am using the X-Cube Audio library (STM32CubeExpansion_Audio_V1.1.1), which claims to support F4 and F7 versions. I want to control the audio levels using the SVC app, but when I call ...

Bills by Associate II
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ADC and TIMer callbacks

Hi Can anyone help me understand the difference betweena) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback with ADC ISRsinstead ofb) writing control loop and obtaining ADC values in HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback using TIMER I...

VidhiPa by Associate II
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Reduce Bluetooth_LE size

I'm looking to reduce the flash size of my projectI saw that the BLE takes a lot of space.I'm already using the custom_ble_stack_conf.h where I enabled only the SECURE_CONNECTIONS_ENABLEDAre there any other steps I can take to reduce the size?Thanks

vly.1 by Associate
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STM32 Receive Multiple DMX Universes

Hey there,another question. I can successful output 8 DMX universes received via Artnet using DMA (Mem->Periph). At the same time I want the possibility to receive upto 8 different DMX signals connected to the MCU. Therefore I hooked up the receive l...

PUrsu.1 by Associate II
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STM32H745 ethernet and telnet uart!

Hi All, I am looking to use the STM32H745 dual-core chip in my next design. I currently use a CH9121 device that handles the transparent ethernet to UART bridge for me and looking to incorporate this functionality into the STM32H745 on the M4 process...

ENort.1 by Associate III
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