Hello everyone i am quite stuck and i want to se if you have any idea.I am making a project wich has 3 devices. - ESP32 wich receive from bluetooth an audio stream- Nucleo F401Re wich receive from the ESP32 via I2S the audio and then process it.- MAX...
I need fastest MCU that can drive GPIO pins but not with timers or DMA, just from source. I need to take fast data from a FPGA device. One of determination is max frequency of toggling pin:I try STM32H562 to toggle pin mode max frequency is around 31...
Hi every oneI want to use DWT->CYCCNT in my software for STM32G491RE. I used these 2 lines to enable it:CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; DWT->CTRL |= DWT_CTRL_CYCCNTENA_Msk; But when I see with the debugger it seems that it does not wr...
Hello,I'm studing timer, and I wanna raise an interrupt every second using the Timer1.I write this code in main:rcc->APBENR2 |= RCC_APBENR2_TIM1EN_Msk; //Enable Timer1 clocktimer->CNT = 0;timer->ARR = 1000;// up to 1000timer->PSC |= 16000 - 1;//actua...
STM32CUBEIDE: version 1.14.1PA0-WKUP ------> UART4_TXPA1 ------> UART4_RXOn a new project when enabling the UART4 with interrupt on receive ,everything is working normal .But once I enable PH1 pin as a GPIO_OUTPUT the UART is not transmitting or rec...
I am am trying to assess the accuracy of the input capture measurements by capturing a stable periodic pulse, setting the output compare on another channel of the same timer to the measurement, and then measuring the offset on a scope. It appears the...
Hello,I am using DMAMUX(dm) chaining, that means there are n dm channels and the previous is generating an event for the next dm channel as a sync input. I noticed that there is a latency in the transition of one dm channel to the next one. For examp...
If I want my SPI bus to have the CLOCK line high already before the active-low CHIP_SELECT (ENABLE/) line goes low, is there a way to do that?I'm driving an AD9833 chip which requires at least 5 nsec time after CLOCK high, before ENABLE/ goes low. Lo...
Hi,I am using the STM32L151RCT6 in STM32cube IDE, i need to create MODBUS protocol communication between MCU and other board as slave..Please suggest me any related link for implement this..it will be helpful for me...