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Win10, CubeIDE, Implementing QUADSPI in C purely on registers. Have scope and logic analyzer.STM32F746 Disco Running MCU on default HSI 16MHz internal, QUADSPI runs at 1MHz for easy debugging and capture with cheapo logic analyzer.Indirect write/indi...
Context: I'm writing my first STM32 "from the ground up" project. Notepad++ and GCC in command line (Windows 10) are my IDE. I've never done this before, so I'm learning ropes, taking first look into assembly (but keeping own assembly to a minimum, C...
Win 10, STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0STM32F746-DiscoI'm learning QuadSPI and doing everything in bare metal with C, it gives me understanding of hardware. QSPI Flash IC, mouser, with datasheetShort summary of the problem: indirect read from QuadSPI Flash, no co...
STM32F746-DiscoCapacitive Touch Panel FT5336STM32CubeIDE, Windows 10CMSIS-onlyI'm developing my first I2C driver for STM32F746 using CMSIS-only, and I've decided it would be great to test my I2C skills on built-in capacitive touch panel FT5336. I use...
Playing with STM32F746 disco, CMSIS-only, directly with registers, in C. CubeIDE 1.8.0, Win10. Gives a good intuitive understanding of how things work. For now, I'm practicing cascading the Timers in various ways (successfully). The thing I failed to...
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