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Forum Posts

I2C doesn't work after uploading (only sometimes)

I wrote a little program that reads I2C values with interrupts: The Problem is that sometimes it just doesn't work after uploading. I just have to run it so many times till it works (not changing anything in the code). It seems like its just coincid...

Senax by Associate II
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Resolved! Frequency PWM calculation vs real

Hi, I would like to understand why I don't have the right frequency on my PWM. I am working on STM32F103RG.I would like to have a 8Khz PWM on Timer 3 channel 1, so I have configure my HSI to 8Mhz. APB2 Timer is set to 8Mhz. Prescaler to 10 and ARR to...

ELECL.2 by Associate II
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ADC DMA Doesnt Read Properly [Need Help and Advice]

Hi, so previously on other post I've been getting trouble with Poll Conversion of ADC using STM32F4 Discovery Board. Therefore i decided to use DMA instead.I made the program using STM32CUBEMX and Keil uVision to read 5 different channels. All data t...

watch1.JPG dma array output.JPG
dios_kuri by Associate III
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Spi clock is not generated

Hello, I am trying to generate spi clock(100kz) in stm32g473,but desired output not getting in DSO .I tried to change  stm32cubemx configuration then i changed the user code then also not getting desired output.Please help me what changes I needed to...

No TSC option from MCU finder & CubeMX ?

Hi, Dear ST teamSeems I can find filters about ADC/timer/UART..., but no filter for touch sensor?Can we add this for new versions of MCU finder and cubeMX ?, it's useful and important for me Thank you Best regards

allenQ by Associate
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Resolved! Flash erase vs Program Running vs Design Decisions

Hello,On STM32F401 is the HAL flash erase a blocking function? (one flash bank, no RAM functions) FLASH_Erase_Sector(idx, FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3); It's not explicitly stated anywhere. Datasheet says reading the flash while erasing causes stalling, whi...

mrx23 by Associate III
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Resolved! UART doesn't receive data from HC-06

Hello ! My STM board is STM32-L073RZ. I've had a lot of problem with HC-06, tried to somehow send the command "AT" or "AT\r\n", but I didn't get anything back. The bluetooth wasn't connected to any device because the diode was blinking. - I tried cha...

Xenon02_0-1704552517089.png Xenon02_1-1704552588281.png
Xenon02 by Senior
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