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Forum Posts

Linearity of HRTim Compare

Hello together,when inspecting the behaviour of the HRTimer regarding the compare output, I found that with Clk multiplier 32, there is a non-linearity in the compare timing (stepwidth) of about +150 ps (330 ps step instead of 180 ps between adjacent...

pv_he by Associate
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Resolved! Connecting LSE to STM32L010?

Hello, all, and Happy New Year!I'm trying to design my first microprocessor board. I'm trying to follow the guide given by Phil's Lab on YouTube, at, which I find very helpful. I'm using an STM32L010K4...

KevinZ by Associate III
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Resolved! W25N01xxxIG Driver for STM32H7

Hello, I have been trying to make a driver for the Winbond(W25N01GV)  NAND flash over QSPI(to use it in memory-mapped mode) but I've been failing so far. Can somebody give me some ideas about what I am doing wrong? I used W25Q256 before, but now I wa...

Zakba.1 by Senior
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Resolved! Device for testing car headlights

Hello . I need to make a device for testing car headlights. I'm going to turn them on and check if all the lights are working. new models of car headlights work via can bus and lin. what stm32 will I need and what components. the device is supposed t...

Siwyzg by Associate
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need to read BOOT0 pin on STM32H725

I have designed a set of boards for a client with one USB interface to the main controller.  We can bootload it by the usual methods, and bootload the CPUs on the other boards by pass-thru from the main controller.  I send coded messages to the main ...

JCase.1 by Associate III
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STM32U545RE SPI1 issue

HelloI am using STM32U545RE (LQFP64 package) for my project as master controller. I have interfaced a slave ADC to the uC using SPI1 port. From datasheet, SPI1_SCK  can be either :PA1, PA5 or PB3.While configuring PA1 as SPI1_SCK it was observed that...

STM32U545RE USART3 issue

HelloI am using STM32U545RE (LQFP64 package) for my project as master controller. I am using the following pins for USART3 along with a transceiver chip ADM3061E and an additional GPIO output configured to act as the Enable.USART3_RX:PC5USART3_TX:PC4...
