STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


stm32 blue pill with si4432

Hi! people! i have a stm32 blue pill board and the Si4432 module, i want configurate for conect with 433mhz module syn470r in OOK,I already have the SPI configured in STM32CubeIDE and the module connected, but i have no idea how to transmite. How to ...

jdo by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L4P5-DK

STM32L4P5-DK is a STM32L4P5AGI6PU based microcontroller, but I could find STM32F723IEK6 and STM32L152CCT6 IC's are also available on the DK . May I know the purpose of these 2 MCUs other than the main MCU? 

ajimathew by Associate III
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STM32Cube IDE code not working

Hi buddies,  I'm very new to the STM32 series as well as STM32CubeIDE. I created the toggle LED program for STM32F769I-DISCO(I'm currently working on this). Before generating the code I just choose the PJ5 pin(because this is an onboard green led ). ...

Resolved! Fractional mode register changes need a delay?

I'm trying to change the PLLxFRACR on-the fly. Per the reference manual something like this should work:__HAL_RCC_PLL2FRACN_DISABLE(); __HAL_RCC_PLL2FRACN_CONFIG(8191); __HAL_RCC_PLL2FRACN_ENABLE();On a STM32H750 this code seems to have no effect. Bu...

Resolved! How to select ADC clock source for STM32L476RG

I have been reading the RM0351 trying to figure out how to setup the clock source for the ADC.The reference manual says that I could choose the system clock, PLLSAI1, or the PPLSAI2as the asynchronous clock source for the ADC (see figure 1). It also ...

watt_up_0-1687212849914.png watt_up_2-1687213287322.png watt_up_3-1687213689292.png
watt_up by Associate II
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STM32L4 SPI DMA 16 bits. DON'T WORK!

Posted on June 18, 2016 at 20:23Hi,change in the ''SPI_FullDuplex_ComDMA'' to work in 16bits mode.change in the ''stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c'' file://************************************************************** hdma_tx.Instance                 = SPIx_TX_...

Asantos by Senior
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Resolved! Code in not working in while(1) loop

Hello,For below code, I am surprised that variable value is not updating. I cross checked the same in debug mode. ​/* USER CODE END Header *//* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "main.h"#include "ad...

Nsg1987 by Senior
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Resolved! How to run NUCLEO-PGEEZ1 on NUCLEO-L476RG board?

Hallo, since few days I am trying to run X-NUCLEO_PGEEZ1 board on NUCLEO-L476. I know, that: github example can be downloaded, but the exaple is for NUCLEO-F401, not for L476.Cube can generate code for PGEEZ1 and L476, but there are some errors durig...

PDobr.1 by Associate III
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RTC Alarm not working on stm32duino

Hi, pls help, I have rtc working, counting seconds, but I didn't succeded to make alarm work.// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the boardvoid setup() { delay(500); RTC_init(HOUR_FORMAT_24, LSI_CLOCK, 1); //RTC_SetClockSourc...

IDine.1 by Associate
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