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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F070RBT Bootloading via USB

According to AN2606 section 12 we can use USB DFU bootloader as long we have HSE using a 24, 18, 16, 12, 8, 6, 4 MHz crystal. This is missing from section 3.3 of the datasheet. Is there a reason for this?

CWedg.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H562 FLASH Prefetch and ICACHE

Hello,I am currently evaluating the STM32H562 device. This devices has an ICACHE (instruction cache) module.Does it make sense to enable both, the ICACHE module and the FLASH prefetch buffer? In the past I already worked with the G0, G4 and F4 series...

Resolved! STM32G473 extended CAN ID never even

I'm attempting to interface an STM32G473 with a VESC motor controller using CAN.I am successfully receiving status frames from the VESC controller, but when I transmit a frame to command it, the ID my scope reads in the frame is not always the same a...

SRP by Associate II
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Resolved! Latest STM32L4R9 svd file v2 has removed TIM1_OR1

The new STM32L4R9 svd file (version 2.0) has renamedTIM1_OR2 to TIM1_AF1,TIM1_OR3 to TIM1_AF2Removed TIM1_OR1 which is in the reference manual containing ETR_ADC1_RMP and TI_RMPAdded a new TIM1_TISEL at offset 0x68 which is not in the current referen...

Kevlar700 by Associate III
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Resolved! De-interleaving DMA output from sequentially configured ADCs

I am using all 3 ADCs on an F765 to convert 16 channels of data at 50 ksps. Each ADC is configured to perform a sequence of conversions (5 on ADC1 and ADC2, 6 on ADC3), all triggered from the same timer. I have also configured them to ping-pong the d...

Nev by Associate II
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Resolved! ST-Link V3SET

Hi, i used t programmed using ST-Link/V2, now my lab has brought a new STLink V3 SET could anyone advise how to programme and flash code using the V3? Can the V3 be use with STM32CubeIDE to program/ flash the code?

PI controller configuration

Hi Team,Is there a way on how to set the value of gains in PI controller for IHM03.Please can anyone help me find the application note for the same.ThanksAkhilesh