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Forum Posts

Trouble with SDRAM and STM32F469

Hi all!I am struggling to couple STM32F469ZGT6 (running at 180 MHz) with SDRAM type IS42S16160J-6TL from ISSI (datasheet here: ).SDRAM is organized in 4 banks, each having 8192 rows x 512 columns x ...

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ELowe by Associate III
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Resolved! L433 SDMMC FIFO doesn't get emptied

I'm currently working on a project using the STM32L433 MCU with the SD peripheral. While trying to use the HAL driver with read and write operations the functions return an timeout. While tracing the command and data lines the command is sent but the...


Resolved! Inquiry Regarding MCU with Specific Features

Dear STMicroelectronics Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in identifying a microcontroller that meets certain specifications for my project. I would appreciate your assistance in identifying the most suitable MCU. MCU ...

pumarada by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 NUCLEO-L4A6ZG Resources and Examples

Hey,I'm completely new to the topic of microcontrollers and currently trying to prepare for an internship (preparation and prior knowledge are not required, but I would still like to prepare myself). Since I already the chip (STM32L4A6) I'm going to ...

stmax by Associate II
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STM32G4: USART FIFO Error Flags

I'm using the USART on my STM32G474 in FIFO mode with LL-libraries. The datasheet says:" However the RXFIFO default width is 12 bits. This is due to the fact that the receiver does not only store the data in the FIFO, but also the error flags associa...

Herm by Associate III
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Resolved! Unusable STM32L01 MCU pins?

Hello, all.I'm trying to design and build my first STM32 project, a timer. I'm using the STM32L101K4 and have it configured as illustrated in the attached screenshot. The pins are configured in STM32CubeIDE as:External LSE on 2 & 3LCD connections on ...

KevinZ by Associate III
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STM32F411 - common short questions ...

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, A short introducing purpose of mine: int main(void) { RCC->AHB1ENR |= 0xFC; // ---> Here I would like to open the Port clock RCC->APB1ENR |= 0xFC; // ---> Here I would like to open the USART2...

timbo2023 by Associate III
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GT911 stucks/freezes in multitouch.

Hello Community,I'm using GT911 with STM32F746 over I2C. I have noticed some time it stucks when multi touch is used (very few times in single touch as well). Upon debugging I noticed a change of voltage level of Interrupt pin.In working state, INT p...

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KAgga.1 by Associate III
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